Friday, September 19, 2008

Sandiego and Orange County

There are some similaritis and dfferences between Orange County and Sandiego.
Orang Oounty and Sndiago have the same claimate, and raining weather. in contrast the trafic jam in Sngiago was obsorved more than Orange County.For example, One time my family and I went to the Sndiago and encountered with trafic jam, after few hours we reached to our destination. 
Second,  Orange County  and Sandiego are similar in shopping centers, in contrast sandiego has an interesting zoo with different kind of animals, for example, some kinds of animals you can not see in any other zoo, whereas, you may observe them in Sandiego zoo.
Both places have the same beaches, however, beaches in sandiego has more varieties.For example, tourists can find more hotels in Sandiego, consequently Sandiego has more attraction for tourists.
In short, Sangigo and Orange County are located in California. Threr are some similarities and differences in areas of climate, and  tourist attraction places such as zoo, shopping ceters and hotels      

1 comment:

seyed said...

Jontinuej#4 continued
Sndiego and Orange County have similarities in shopping centers, in contrast Sndiego has an interesting zoo which includes different kind of animas.
Both cities have beaches but in Sandiago is more beautiful, however, beaches in Orange county has more hotels for visitors
In short, Sndiego and Orange County are located in california, there are some silarities and differences in areas of traffic jam,weather and beaches.