Friday, October 3, 2008

Readinng Book

Reading book is my favorite activities. I devided my free time into reading two kinds of books, First of all, I try to read some books which are mostly related to university activities. These books are mostly related to English language and university course, because I need to pass TOEFL, and university course. Second, Iam interested in reading some kinds of books which include useful aphorisms. For example," Lif's little instruction books" is my favorite book which include 511 valuable advice. The advantages of this book are mostly rlated to lif's experience.
I belive these kinds of books are more interested foe those who have some experiences in their life. When the people compare teir experiene and suggested advice they enjoy to find the solution of their life.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Reading books is also one of the best ways to acquire the English language.